At this time, I was still having problems with my EX and he wasn't that interested in this pregnancy like he was with our daughter. So, I didn't call him or his mom to tell them that I had to be put in the hospital. I told my mom not to call them and I was able to keep Prairie away from them during that time so she wouldn't tell them. But on Saturday, she spent time with them and I guess she let it slip. My EX didn't ask right away, and I honestly didn't plan on telling him anything. I kept thinking why I should I, He had already denied you were his son, so why did I need to share any kind of information about you. He even got mad one time and brought that up and I just told him will you never ask about the baby, you don't claim him, and you don't seem to be concerned about him or me at all. I told him that everyone who cared about us was the one's who were contacted when I was put in the hospital. I had a very stressful year and I still get stressed dealing with my EX. I just rather not have any contact with him at all. He's only nice to me when he doesn't have another woman in his life and as soon as a new one OR the same one comes back he goes right back to treating me like trash. So I figure why even bother!! KWIM?
I didn't have any more incidents until Dec. 24th when I had a placental abruption. I am thankful that I was at parents house when that happened because if it happened while I living alone with Prairie, I probably wouldn't be here and neither would have Cylas. I moved in with my parents in October after that first scare. In the house I was living in there wasn't a phone and I am not sure if Prairie could have made it to their house by herself. So I am very glad that I made the decision to stay with them because I wouldn't have got to meet my son if I didn't. I am still living with my parents, but I am in the process of trying to get a house. Prairie is starting to want her own space and at times my mom can drive me crazy.
Today, aside from the scary moment I wrote about, I will take Prairie and sign her up for Gymnastics. She has been begging me since one her friends started last year. So I am finally going to take her and get her signed up after work. I had planned on doing about two weeks ago, but she wasn't listening or anything so I kept putting it off. However, she has been doing good. Doing what has been asked of her so I think she deserves this surprise. Her uncle said he would come watch her in the Olympics if she ever made it. Her uncle loves her to death.
For some reason this week I just want to write about everything, even if it doesn't make sense. I must have the writing bug or something. I still miss Cylas daily and I am continually wishing for one more day with him, knowing that I won't get it.
Cylas, mommy is missing you today and everyday!! Please stay close by!!!
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